UN2 top 7 first callers Fazle Abed, Jim Kim, Kitsuyi, Guterres, Melinda Gates, JMa or JYang, Houlin Zao,,
ED 2.8 Digital Cap Building
Champions International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Geneva
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) New York
Key Constituents
The Government of the Netherlands
The Government of Singapore
The Government of the United Arab Emirates
The Government of Uganda
The Government of the United Kingdom
European Union (EU) The Government of Russia
ARM UK world class chips
Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS)
IndustriALL Global Union
Microsoft Web2 Big 5 Data Owner Wesr (MAppleGoogleFaceAmazon)
Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
Oxford Blavatnik School of Government
International Trade Centre (ITC)
United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD)
United Nations Office of Information and
Communications Technology (OICT)
UN Secretary-General’s Task Force on Digital
Financing of the Sustainable Development
Goals (DFTF)
World Health Organization (WHO)
World Bank
ED2.7 Digital Cooperation (under 30s)
The Government of Germany
The Government of the United Arab Emirates
The Office of the Secretary-General's Envoy on Technology
Key Constituents
The Government of Canada
The Government of Denmark
The Government of France
The Government of Japan
The Government of Malawi (Least Developed
Country Group Representative)
The Government of Paraguay (Landlocked
Developing Countries Chair)
The Government of Switzerland
The Government of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland
European Union (EU)
Association for Progressive Communication
Brazilian Internet Steering Committee
European Broadcasting Union
Ford Foundation
Global Partners Digital
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers (ICANN)
Internet Governance Forum Multistakeholder
Advisory Group (IGF MAG)
Internet Governance Forum Multistakeholder
Advisory Group (IGF MAG) Representative
of the Russian Federation
International Chamber of Commerce
Business Action to Support the Information
Society (ICC BASIS)
International Trade Law Division, United
Nations Office of Legal Affairs
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Internet Society (ISOC)
JSC National ICT Holding Zerde
New America
Robert Bosch Stiftung
United Nations Commission on International
Trade Law (UNCITRAL)
United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD)
United Nations Department of Economic and
Social Affairs (DESA)
United Nations Secretary-General’s Task
Force on Digital Financing of the
Sustainable Development Goals (DFTF)
United States Council for International
Business (USCIB)
Uruguayan Chapter – Internet Society
World Bank
World Economic Forum (WEF)
==================================tech 2 Aiforgood -relaunched as Geneva Annual summit and then 24/7 online in 2008 - initial conference producers IEEE stephen Ibarakiand sponsors from Xprize; like global connectivity which began as tele1 hud around swiss corridr, the corridor from munich to budpaest schooled the goas of maths; and priceton from 1920- neumann's lefacy scoop of what good can peoples unite with 100 times more tech becam ci=ontinous scoop arounf the economist (noraman macraE FROM 1951 )- as early as 1962 The zeconomoist was mapping 5 main ai corridors: Geneva corridor (now twinned with UN); princeto ne corridpr up to mit including hardware eg ibm, dec - initially xerox before west coast move,princron south and gov corridor; stanford corridor called silicon valley from 1972 beanding gordon moore/intel commit to improve chip capaity 100 fold per decade; tokyo south coastal belt corridor
The Government of Finland
The Government of France
Future of Life Institute (FLI)
UN Global Pulse
Key Constituents
The Government of Brazil
The Government of Canada
The Government of Ghana
The Government of the Republic of Korea
The Government of Malaysia
The Government of Singapore
The Government of Slovenia
The Government of Switzerland
European Union
Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI)
Article 19
Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence
Centre for Artificial Research Intelligence
Centre for the Study of Existential Risk
Council of Europe
Data Protection Commission of Ghana
Element AI
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Future Society
Graduate Institute Geneva
Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE)
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Jozef Stefan Institute
Makerere University
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD)
Oxford Internet Institute
Partnership on AI (PAI)
Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority
Tsinghua University
Wadhwani Institute for AI
Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive
Directorate (CTED)
International Organization for Standardization
Office of the President of the General
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
United Nations Interregional Crime and
Justice Research Institute (UNICRI)
International Trade Law Division, United
Nations Office of Legal Affairs (OLA)
UN Secretary-General’s Task Force on Digital
Financing of the Sustainable Development
Goals (DFTF)
World Intellectual Property Organization
folow up organised by slovenia and japan - this from Jpaan
The Permanent Mission of Slovenia to the UN and the International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence under the auspices of UNESCO (IRCAI) are organizing a side event focused on showcasing a Global Network in artificial intelligence (AI) to tackle Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Tech1 Global connectivity (including an early cooperation network GIGA committing much more focus on connecting schools worldwide)- NG the UN2 fraewprk emerged from implementaion debates of sustainability goals deom 2016- however much of global connectivity dialogues accelerated fro, ,arch 2020 and covid's limitation on real spaces notably schools
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
The Government of Uganda
Key Constituents
The Government of Egypt
The Government of Kazakhstan
The Government of Malaysia
The Government of Niger
The Government of Rwanda
European Union (EU)
STOA (Chair of the European Parliament’s
Science and Technology Options
Assessment body)
ACTAI Global
Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI)
Broadband Commission for Sustainable
Gates Foundation
Global Compact
Internet Society (ISOC)
Lemann Foundation
Web Foundation
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Office of the Deputy-Secretary-General of the
United Nations
International Trade Law Division, Office of
Legal Affairs
UN Secretary-General’s Task Force on Digital
Financing of the Sustainable Development
Goals (DFTF)
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
World Bank
World Food Programme
CODES was added as 9th piece when it was realised that deep data coding and ec climate adaptation mapping meirt special focus- instead of lsting of origination sponsors- stream of suits - this dec 2022 ; also platform spark blue
as well as update link on UN2 (tech envoy digital roadmapping) main web https://www.un.org/techenvoy/content/ongoing-work
digital public goods
The Government of Norway
The Government of Sierra Leone
Indian Software Product Industry Roundtable (iSPIRT)
UN Global Pulse
Key Constituents
The Government of Belize (Alliance of Small
Island States Chair)
The Government of Chile
The Government of Finland
The Government of Niger
The Government of the United Arab Emirates
The Government of the United Kingdom
Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS)
Digital Impact Alliance
STOA (Chair of the European Parliament’s
Science and Technology Options
Assessment body)
Future Society
Graduate Institute Geneva
International Trade Centre (ITC)
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Wikimedia Foundation
Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations (FAO)
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Office of Information and
Communications Technology (OICT)
UN Secretary-General’s Task Force on Digital
Financing ofthe Sustainable Development
Goals (DFTF)
World Health Organization (WHO)
World Intellectual Property Organization
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
World Ban
digital security, trust & safety
The Government of Estonia
The Government of the Netherlands
The Government of Uruguay
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)
Key Constituents
The Government of Bangladesh
The Government of Canada
The Government of Finland
The Government of France
The Government of Japan
The Government of Kenya
The Government of Kiribati
The Government of the Republic of Korea
The Government of Mexico
The Government of New Zealand
The Government of Switzerland
The Russian Federation
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Future of Life Institute (FLI)
GovTech Lab
Global Forum on Cyber Expertise
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Internet Commission
Internet Society (ISOC)
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS)
The State University of New York (SUNY)
Web Foundation
World Economic Forum (WEF)
World Bank
World Food Programme
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
United Nations Interregional Crime and
Justice Research Institute (UNICRI)
UN Secretary-General’s Task Force on Digital
Financing of the Sustainable Development
Goals (DFTF)
World Health Organization (WHO)
===============================Digital Inclusion
The Government of Canada
The Government of Mexico
UN Women
Key Constituents
The Government of Denmark
The Government of Finland
The Government of France
The Government of Japan
The Government of Malawi (Least Developed
Country Group Representative)
The Government of the Netherlands
The Government of Sweden
The Government of Switzerland
European Union (EU)
African Development Bank (AFDB)
Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI)
Code to Change
Digital Future Society
First Nations Technology Council
Global Partners Digital
International Committee of the Red Cross
International Labour Organization (ILO)
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
International Trade Centre (ITC)
Internet Society (ISOC)
National Autonomous University of Mexico
OHCHR Special Rapporteur on the Right to
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD)
Research ICT Africa
UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)
United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD)
United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR)
UN Secretary General's Special Advocate for
Inclusive Finance for Development
UN Secretary-General’s Task Force on Digital
Financing of the Sustainable Development
Goals (DFTF)
Web Foundation
World Bank
World Benchmarking Alliance
Young UN
Wikipedia/Wikimedia Foundation
===================digital human rights
The Government of the Republic of Korea
European Union (EU)
Access Now
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Key Constituents
The Government of Denmark
The Government of New Zealand
The Government of Switzerland
Amnesty International
Association for Progressive Communications
Atlantic Council Digital Forensic Research
Lab (DFRL)
Carnegie UK Trust
Coding Rights
Derechos Digitales
European Center for Not-For-Profit Law
Stichting (ECNL)
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Fondation Botnar
Forum on Information and Democracy
Freedom Online Coalition
Global Partners Digital
GovTechLab Lithuania
Graduate Institute Geneva
ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa
ICT4Peace Foundation
International Committee of the Red Cross
International Labour Organization
International Trade Law Division, Office of
Legal Affairs
Internet Commission
Internet Governance Caucus
Korea University
Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business
New America
OHCHR Special Rapporteur on the Right to
Omidyar Network
OpenNet Korea
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD)
Paradigm Initiative
Tech Policy Tank
UN Global Pulse
UN Secretary-General’s Task Force on Digital
Financing of the Sustainable Development
Goals (DFTF)
Web Foundation
Joun in perplexity chats
Does AI have name for terrifying ignorance rsks eg Los Angeles failed insurance sharing
In these days of LLM modeling, is there one integral one for multilateral systems reponsibilities
Is Ethiopia's new secirity model an Africawide benchmark
can you hlep map womens deepest intel nets
what can you tell us about ...
thanks to JvN
2025report.com aims to celebrate first 75 years that followers of Adam Smith , Commonwealth begun by Queen Victoria, James Wilson and dozens of Royal Societies, Keynes saw from being briefed 1951 by NET (Neumann Einstein Turing). Please contacts us if you have a positive contribution - we will log these at www.economistdiary.com/1976 www.economistdiary.com/2001 and www.economistdiary.com/2023 (admittedly a preview!!)
First a summary of what the NET asked to be meidiated to integrate trust during what they foresaw as a chaotic period.
Roughly they foresaw population growth quadrupling from 2 billion to 8 billion
They were most concerned that some people would access million times moore tech by 1995 another million times moore by 2015 another million times moore by 2025. Would those with such access unite good for all. If we go back to 1760s first decade that scots invented engines around Glash=gow University James Wat and diarist Adam Smith we can note this happened just over a quarter of millennium into age of empire. WE welcome corrections be this age appears to have been a hectic race between Portugal, Spain, France Britain Netherlands as probbly the first 5 to set the system pattern. I still dont understand was it ineviatble when say the Porttuguese king bet his nations shirt on navigation that this would involve agressive trades with guns forcing the terms of trade and colonisation often being a 2nd step and then a 3rd steb being taking slaves to do the work of building on a newly conquered land. I put this way because the NET were clear almost every place in 1951 needed to complete both independence and then interdependence of above zero sum trading games. Whils traidning things runs into zero sums (eg when there is overall scarcity) life critical knowhow or apps can multiplu=y value in use. Thats was a defining value in meidting how the neyt's new engineering was mapped. Of course this problem was from 1945 occuring in a world where war had typiclly done of the following to your place:
your capital cities had been flattened by bombing - necessitating architecture rebuild as well as perhaps an all chnage in land ownership
your peoples had gone through up to 6 years of barbaric occupation -how would this be mediated (public served) particularly if you were a nation moving from radio to television
yiu mifgt eb britain have been on winning side but if huge debt to arms you had bought
primarily you might be usa now expected by most outside USSR to lead every advance'
in population terms you might be inland rural (more than half of humans) where you had much the least knowledge on what had hapened because you had been left out of the era of connecting electricity and communications grids
The NETts overall summary : beware experts in energy will be the most hated but wanted by national leaders; and then far greater will be exponential risk is the most brilliant of connectors of our new engines will become even more hated and wanted. We should remember that the NET did not begin with lets design computers. They began with Einstein's 1905 publications; newtonian science is at the deepest limits systemically wrong for living with nature's rules.
WE can thrash through more understanding of how the NET mapped the challenges from 1951 at http://neumann.ning.com/ Unfortunatnely nobody knew that within 6 years of going massively public in 1951 with their new engineering visions, all of the net would be dead. One of the most amzaing documents I have ever seen is the last month's diary of von neumann roughly October 1955 before he became bedridden with cancer. All over usa engineering projects were receiving his last genius inputs. And yet more amazing for those interested in intelligence machines is his last curriculum the computer and the brain scribbled from his bedroom in bethesda and presented posthumously by his 2nd wife Klara at Yale 1957 before she took her own life about a year later. A great loss because while neumann had architected computers she had arguably been the chief coder. Just to be clear Turing also left behind a chief coder Jane who continued to work for Britain's defence planning at cheltenham for a couple of decades. Economistwomen.com I like to believe that the founders of brainworking machines foresaw not only that women coders would be as produytive as men but that they would linking sustainability from bottom up of every community. At least that is a valid way of looking at how primarily 1billion asian women batted the systemic poverty of being disconnected from the outside world even as coastal places leapt ahead with in some cases (G Silicon Valley, whatever you call Japan-Korea south-Taiwan-HK-Singapore access to all of 10**18 times moore
Epoch changing Guides
1 AI Training AI Training.docx
2 Exploring cultural weaknesss of encounters with greatest brain tool.docx
help assemble 100000 millennials summitfuture.com and GAMES of worldrecordjobs.com card pack 1 i lets leap froward from cop26 glasgow nov 2021 - 260th year of machines and humans started up by smith and watt- chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk-
WE APPROACH 65th year of Neumann's tech legacy - 100 times more tech decade - which some people call Industrial Rev 4 or Arttificial Intel blending with humans; co-author 2025report.com, networker foundation of The Economist's Norman Macrae -
my father The Economist's norman macrae was privileged to meet von neumann- his legacy of 100 times more tech per decade informed much of dad's dialogues with world leaders at The Economist - in active retirement dad's first project to be von neumanns official biographer - english edition ; recently published japanese edition - queries welcomed; in 1984 i co-authored 2025report.com - this was celebrating 12 th year that dad( from 1972, also year silicon valley was born) argued for entrepreneurial revolution (ie humanity to be sustainable would need to value on sme networks not big corporate nor big gov); final edition of 2025report is being updated - 1984's timelines foresaw need to prep for fall of brlin wall within a few months; purspoes of the 5 primary sdg markets were seen to be pivotal as they blended real and digital - ie efinance e-agri e-health e-learning and 100%lives matter community; the report charged public broadcasters starting with BBC with most vital challenge- by year 2000 ensure billions of people were debating man's biggest risk as discrepancy in incomes and expectations of rich & poor nations; mediated at the right time everyone could linkin ideas as first main use of digital webs--- the failure to do this has led to fake media, failures to encourage younger half of the world to maxinise borderless friendships and sdg collabs - see eg economistwomen.com abedmooc.com teachforsdgs.com ecop26.com as 2020s becomes last chance for youth to be teh sustainability generation
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