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A1 .While von neumann’s importance to mathematicians and economists (eg beyond zero sum trading games) is often misunderstood, it’s his impact on technologies that changed the way every 21st c human being’s livelihood is shaped. One way to look at this is he turned the power of engines from 2 dimensions of energy and telecommunications with the 3rd dimension of engines as analytic machines soon to innovate what separate human brains cannot do. Coming from Hungary to America in 1929, the possibility of his interactions with Einstein at Princeton could have been amazing- but instead with the exponential rise of hitler from 1933, von neumann was increasingly required to leadamerica’s race to nuclear energy. In effect, he only got 12 years to mainly focus on fathering the programable computer and inspiring the birth of Artificial Intelligence(AI) researchers. Within 4 years of von neumann’s death, Kennedy had declared the moon race, within 6 years his alumn J.Mccarthy had started up twin AI labs- facing Atlantic at mit, facing pacific at Stanford, within 8 year’s intel’s Gordon Moore was declaring analytic power of programable computer chips would increase 100 fold per decade through to the 2020s by which computing analytic power would far exceed human brain power- another 7 years on and alumni of Moore launched the place brand silicon valley

A2 those loving society and inspired by Neumann’s new technologies are changing life’s possibilities in ways that before the 2010s seemed to be pure science fiction.

Yet rewind the world to 1960: for  the 70% of people who are Asian, at least two other system technologies had emerged  whose foundations were integral to Asia rising out of poverty and impact the sustainability likelioods of our species- these are rural systems starting with Borlaug’s without which feeding 7.5 billion peoples of 2020 would not have been possible; and Deming’s quality of what engineers design and operate- the whole range of which first evolved out of japan from bullet trains to mechanical diggers, to containerization docking to microelectronic calculators and machine tools including robotics. Until 1995, one way to segment innovation foci of the far east versus the far west, is that Asian future designers focused on innovations that did not primarily depend on thinking or administrating  in English language software. It would be culturally unimaginative to believe that thinking in 26 letter alphabets and many thousand character scripts like Japanese or Chinese leads to precisely the same consciousness of nature, or scientific purpose.

A3 Are smart devices primarily designed for government, personal or societal uses?  It some times seems that von neumann alumni explore all 3 dimensions as win-wins whereas other research funding sometimes get siloised. In 2021 while sustainability will depend on the younger half of the world collaborating on borderless networks demanded by nature, health and above zero sum trading games- essential hubs to linkin additionally to ameruca’s original 2 ai locations include Geneva, Nordica, Dubai, Singapore, HK, Korea, Japan, various Chinese megacities. While we argued in 1984’s for a transformation in education so no child of the 2020s is excluded from humanisg AI, catlogues of where ai unicorns are being invested in implies that vast mahority of national governments don’t yet understand “sustainability goal” decisuons on societal data that will be taken unconsciously as more and more real time operating systems live decision making is. Other ways to map exciting ai hubs- look at membership clusters within or who zooms into the virtual university of #aiforgood at the un itu in geneva

A4 von neumann’s education and parental support is reviewd in detail in norman macrae’s biography of von neumann. It took a very different customization odf xperiebntial learning flows of math geniuses that paets of central Europe at start of 20th century were good at- and which sad to say education in usa (and English speaking world) appears to have lost human confindence in

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advance question - von neumann strongly gave monetary economists the thumbs down - can you explain why in terms of game theory?

eg1 those who play (issue ratings on) currency markets are by definition playing zero sum games - whereas improving the human lot of the next child born needs to be an above zero sum game if there is ever to be a sustainability generation

eg2 if those who society authorises to be the greatest decision makers of the 2020s ai decade - zero sum ai will lead to dehumanising work instead of enhancing skills with ai -more at

we welcome more advanced Q&A to add here -

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Happy 2025- free offer first quarter of 2025 - ask us any positive question about von neumann's purpose of intelligence/brainworking - by April we hope there will be a smart agent of neumann! -


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thanks to JvN aims to celebrate first 75 years that followers of Adam Smith , Commonwealth begun by Queen Victoria, James Wilson and dozens of Royal Societies, Keynes saw from being briefed 1951 by NET (Neumann Einstein Turing). Please contacts us if you have a positive contribution - we will log these at and (admittedly a preview!!)

First a summary of what the NET asked to be meidiated to integrate trust during what they foresaw as a chaotic period.

Roughly they foresaw population growth quadrupling from 2 billion to 8 billion

They were most concerned that some people would access million times moore tech by 1995 another million times moore by 2015 another million times moore by 2025. Would those with such access unite good for all. If we go back to 1760s first decade that scots invented engines around Glash=gow University James Wat and diarist Adam Smith we can note this happened just over a quarter of millennium into age of empire. WE welcome corrections be this age appears to have been a hectic race between Portugal, Spain, France Britain Netherlands as probbly the first 5 to set the system pattern. I still dont understand was it ineviatble when say the Porttuguese king bet his nations shirt on navigation that this would involve agressive trades with guns forcing the terms of trade and colonisation often being a 2nd step and then a 3rd steb being taking slaves to do the work of building on a newly conquered land. I put this way because the NET were clear almost every place in 1951 needed to complete both independence and then interdependence of above zero sum trading games. Whils traidning things runs into zero sums (eg when there is overall scarcity) life critical knowhow or apps can multiplu=y value in use. Thats was a defining value in meidting how the neyt's new engineering was mapped. Of course this problem was from 1945 occuring in a world where war had typiclly done of the following to your place:

your capital cities had been flattened by bombing - necessitating architecture rebuild as well as perhaps an all chnage in land ownership

your peoples had gone through up to 6 years of barbaric occupation -how would this be mediated (public served) particularly if you were a nation moving from radio to television

yiu mifgt eb britain have been on winning side but if huge debt to arms you had bought

primarily you might be usa now expected by most outside USSR to lead every advance'

in population terms you might be inland rural (more than half of humans) where you had much the least knowledge on what had hapened because you had been left out of the era of connecting electricity and communications grids

The NETts overall summary : beware experts in energy will be the most hated but wanted by national leaders; and then far greater will be exponential risk is the most brilliant of connectors of our new engines will become even more hated and wanted. We should remember that the NET did not begin with lets design computers. They began with Einstein's 1905 publications; newtonian science is at the deepest limits systemically wrong for living with nature's rules.

WE can thrash through more understanding of how the NET mapped the challenges from 1951 at Unfortunatnely nobody knew that within 6 years of going massively public in 1951 with their new engineering visions, all of the net would be dead. One of the most amzaing documents I have ever seen is the last month's diary of von neumann roughly October 1955 before he became bedridden with cancer. All over usa engineering projects were receiving his last genius inputs. And yet more amazing for those interested in intelligence machines is his last curriculum the computer and the brain scribbled from his bedroom in bethesda and presented posthumously by his 2nd wife Klara at Yale 1957 before she took her own life about a year later. A great loss because while neumann had architected computers she had arguably been the chief coder. Just to be clear Turing also left behind a chief coder Jane who continued to work for Britain's defence planning at cheltenham for a couple of decades.  I like to believe that the founders of brainworking machines foresaw not only that women coders would be as produytive as men but that they would linking sustainability from bottom up of every community. At least that is a valid way of looking at how primarily 1billion asian women batted the systemic poverty of being disconnected from the outside world even as coastal places leapt ahead with in some cases (G Silicon Valley, whatever you call Japan-Korea south-Taiwan-HK-Singapore access to all of 10**18 times moore

Epoch changing Guides

1 AI Training AI Training.docx

 2 Exploring cultural weaknesss of encounters with greatest brain tool.docx


help assemble 100000 millennials and GAMES of card pack 1 i lets leap froward from cop26 glasgow nov 2021 - 260th year of machines and humans started up by smith and watt-

WE APPROACH 65th year of  Neumann's tech legacy - 100 times more tech decade - which some people call Industrial Rev 4 or Arttificial Intel blending with humans; co-author, networker foundation of The Economist's Norman Macrae -

my father The Economist's norman macrae was privileged to meet von neumann- his legacy of 100 times more tech per decade informed much of dad's dialogues with world leaders at The Economist - in active retirement dad's first project to be von neumanns official biographer - english edition ; recently published japanese edition - queries welcomed; in 1984 i co-authored - this was celebrating 12 th year that dad( from 1972, also year silicon valley was born) argued for entrepreneurial revolution (ie humanity to be sustainable would need to value on sme networks not big corporate nor big gov); final edition of 2025report is being updated - 1984's timelines foresaw need to prep for fall of brlin wall within a few months; purspoes of the 5 primary sdg markets were seen to be pivotal as they blended real and digital - ie efinance e-agri e-health e-learning and 100%lives matter community; the report charged public broadcasters starting with BBC with most vital challenge- by year 2000 ensure billions of people were debating man's biggest risk as discrepancy in incomes and expectations of rich & poor nations; mediated at the right time everyone could linkin ideas as first main use of digital webs--- the failure to do this has led to fake media, failures to encourage younger half of the world to maxinise borderless friendships and sdg collabs - see eg as 2020s becomes last chance for youth to be teh sustainability generation


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