8 decades of brainworkers ops ; 18 decades of Herstory Royal Ecosoc's Language Models

In 1843 The economist was founded by Londoin Scot James wilso to hekp queen voictoria mediate chnage from ruling waves of Britannia's slavemaking empire (eg east indies corpd) to commonwealth

The first 10 decades of mediating valuetrue mapping of expoential oportunity/threat can be seen in The Economist itself; in worlds on English consritution by seconen editoir walter bagehot; in idesoloigies of adam smith, (including 7 types kofg engineering), jbs say or marx, keybnes,. Also geoffrey Crowther - editir either sine oif world war 2 - crowther also assembled Economist centenray autobio 1943-1843, and he sent a rookie sub-editor to ny/princetoon 1951 so that The Economist could also start surveyiong world futures from the viewpoints of the NET (Neumann Einstein-Turing) particularly Von N eumann whom economist sub-editirs have becone the maths biographer of -twice

If we look at the sgtart of each decade from the 1950s

the net knoew energy was a worldwide problem; they knew decolonisation and other chalenges un and multilatera (decolonial intel0 systems were being innovayted round was a systems problem, neuman n stressed need for way above zero sum tradijng models - einstein brought solecuialit if personalised education (back in 1920s league of natiosn he had begun that worldwide association), Turing briught mesy deep data chalenges of which fei-fei li alumni imagenet is pioneer, neumann's last nlotes computer and brain discussed mediatimng 999 mother tingues from english to one overall maths of renewing man-made and nature made systems across generation and borderless earth. the net knew they were proposing new (6th) type of man-made (arttiicila ) engineering- the following classification can be re-factired as each engine type interacts with others but can be used to explore future chage around - its relevant to note thanks to victirioa and elizabeth we have the opportunity to mediate language's herstiry not just histoiry

brainworkers opposrtunities as seen by neumann einstein turing: understand trtype 6 engine brainworking (eg comouters orogram cides, brain (language mediating) neural bertwork modeling) in systems context of 5 previous engine types and potentially type 7

1ohysical power

2 automation of life -waht (smith discusses fir 16 yeras of factiry worlers life; he also sees coming of both us idenpendence and french revolution as spocietal/ entreprebneurial revolutions- can chnage of system improve livelihoods of all; we can allso say that eg agreement of bodres and property rights couldnt be achieved until agreed navigation corrdinates (eg in both africa and america soouth and west dash to define boders before there was this systemic transparency to mapping); in effect from rural life withoutbengines to citizen life with engines ( including time keeping etc, civic society's of which london's royal societies offered future questioning by every majot skill/apprentiucesjhip/ed practice) 

3 /transportation revolutions eg railways, car replace hoste dung ..

4/5 electricity (grid distributions), communications (from 1865 mediated for worldwide coop standards by switzerland itu)

6 brainworking machines

7 autonomisation

- we could say the 1960s started with mutual common visioning of the leagcy of the net (sadly theyu had all gone) criwther nad kennedy's visions- in this conetxt crowther had agreed with the net to train joiuyrnalist to ask what ggos will people unite wherever they get first access to at lesst 100 tiems more tech per decade (eg from 1965 engineers linkedin to siulicon valley have been promised 100 time more silcin comuting capcity every decade - moores law0; with prooof of worldwude satellites from 1964 tokyo olypics coms have been on an expoential rise - imndeed by start of 90s each decade por under upgarded G standards round ITU (transfering 100 tuimes more imnformation through telecoms)

kennedy offered youth at least 4 exitiknd deacde long visions at start of 1960s

peace corps

interdepence of hemisphere trading models

moon race which we prefer to value as satllite develoipment alumnisat.com - 

racial and sexual and language integration within american continent

as of start of 1960s there were at least 5 corridolrs where people wer getting 100 times more innovation opportunities princeton-ny-north east coast - all of future of hardware, software, brain language mediation were open sourced by the net through that area; south by south west of dc which was gov space and nuclear expoenetials

pacific west coast san francisco valley

interesting japsn interactions eg with intel and minarurisation and deming quality and robotics made it the twin connectior asia pacifiucs caostal region - see kennedy's 1962 endosrement of econiomist survey of this at www.economistjapan.com

swizeralnds itu continued the ata=lantic twinning of euro contiuent with america

0s intelligence had many geonomic/decolonial ops to look at but equally asia could be seen as a problem area; britain as the main empire mapmaker fof 2/3 of humans lives was bankruot- so it could give independence but mnoty help investing in system gtransfkormation needed from top-down and rical border mapping;

americans after kennedy had no direct naval experience of what world war2 needed to recocile

so we cometo the start of the 70s...

41970s 3 things scare me to death about nixon's start of 70s whiule 2 things i find admirable (what the heck di I as one human being know- equally is there a list anyhwre of everyones hopes and fears nixon defined 1870s around)

it semed to me nixo hated youth and pumnsiehed them by starting to make best education (intellugence creatring) only for the rich richer- the failing vietnam war seems to be main cause of this- I dont understyand precsie interpsreonal leadership hosrories at top of america as to how nixon inherited or promoted the disaster of american identity and confinece that this extra war may now be seen to be (to be clear as my dad was teen navigatir aliued nomber command burma i would exist without amerivcan asisantance- whislt I would love to get to a world withpoiut wars or at lesst bwith less arms expemnditure than education expenditire the wars angaints hitler, and the mediation of usa between japan and south kporea seem to have been needed) ; which a;lso left [peoples trapped by stalin as a problem but not vietnam as whjere to settle that

nixom also scares me as someone promoting fake media or promited by it - thats how american braidcasting sadly got designed with 100% short-term commerce and lobbing next toi no investment in public/societal/community vpoice-problems not caused by nixon started with the us's main global cash crop tobacco turinh louyt to be a killer and by not settling that all sorts of drug crops have gone globally wrong is usa and elsewhere; the media of a kiler coirop also provided cases to be replicated by arms lobby, the carbon lobby, even the storytelling lobby that cownoys were romantice (not the genocide perpetraors of native people that cowboy and indian batlles rromanticiuseds)

tehn nixo got surrounded buy sohort-term numbers men - the consequence of this for my father was he prefrred not to call himself an economist after 1970 but a future herstorian.histoirain

things i must give nixon credit for (though others may not like without transparent devabes ) are relationships with china and trhe attempt to make 1970s the decade oin whiuch usa went beyoind carbon with nuclear energy and elctric cars - for that stiry see recent intellih=gence dialgue relauching intelligent policy by ventyre capiatlist andressen and stanfor polich school hover led by condoleeza rice; for chain consuder mt rahers 1977 survey in the economsit - this survey looked at ops and risks of chian's 21st C Q4 imagikne if chna had not bbeen free to trade and develoip (something the britisk opiulm wars of 1960 caused d=for 101 yeras); we enetered q4 with china being quarter of worlds polulation with out one child ;poicy it would now priobably be a thoird; without development a third of humans would be living quite probably in n korean type conditions; moreoever without one child policy we souldnt have the wporld msot ;po[pulous natiosn withj women's voice rising to be equal to that of men; ok it is still behind buty because of the one child policy half of chisnese families are dependent on their smartest young adulkt woan because each generation has been that much more connected with education/intelligence; to those unable to study mainalnd choinese womens views - bangladesh nation building by women offesr a parralel intelliugence map; still much poorer bnecause of being in a region blocked from ttarnsporation infrastructyre - betwween 1972 and 1990 if not later tropical cjhinese vilage mosthers and bangladhesi vilage motehr swapped same solution s- eg oral rehydration ; innoiuclation of all chiujdlren; locally productive rice science oiperated as sustainable beuiness by vilage mothers; to understand tehse sorts of intelliugence loook at5 alumni of americans borlaug goal 2 end starvation, unicefs jams grant who promted oral rehydration and other choldrea fighting solution,s infant and materna nitrition and last mile health services between tropucal chian and bangladesh and indeed any tro[pical asian rural are free to empoiwer women

in the 1970s the economist published thes surveys

1972 first future hostiry survey - inetr a.lis this argued fointech would be mneeded to fight worldwide poverty because the dolat cpoming off the gold stanards would make it promarily the currency of big global corporations (without taxation responsibilities tro any place0; it also argued that sadly global macroeconomics was being designed by the exact opposiyte system design of keynes last world- last chapter of general trheiry og money interest employment - where keynes clarified that ioncraesingly generatiosn wouyld be locked in the policies of small handful of ascameic econoc scribblers whom legislatrujres operationalosed; thus if 3 or 4 of these most powerful scribblers all became shirt-term disionvesting in youth - extinction would be the big brother endgame we might all get trapped in

in 1976 the smas day the economist published entrepreneurial revolution - everty democratic natuion needs to go beyione bipoloar left - right parties - ie even if 2 aprties are a good design theeir future needs toi be io=posite to industrial eras left and right- thats because while in the manufactiring age big capital was needed to mass produc affirdable things - intelligence jhas no such big is better; indeed as turing had already model deep diversity is what we need data governed and soon autonomiusly mediated by

80s story is at www.economistdiary.com/1984 - more coming soon as well as typ correction!  -by 1984 the ecopnomist together vwith 2025 report had made the case of tracking the markets mappinmg sdgoals 1 to 5 - fintech priotised to end poverty given cashless money can now reach erven smallest deposirs at village entrepeneurs- last mile human enefgy (food, hydration ) especially for local kids and mothers; last mile health service sufficience; last mile livelihood education as well as twinning digital intellugence coonectios; womens vlouces buiulding places as much as mens especially in any place where womens voice had been pratically zeroised - 5 maps needing deepest v=diverse data and bootom up mediation not top down admin - from early 190s tracking progress out of every gps on these 5 multipliuers would most likely explain whetrher local to global digital worlds were being designed for millenials to be furst renewable or first extionction irrevesible generation- thois then could oiffer gaurad rails to ijnteliugence design - ie one of the most vital first llms needs to be the un's or indeed the fusion of all mulktilateral designs and multip-olat transation mappiing throuigh whichn intergenerational investment by parents on youth need to value interdecade expoemnetails oposite top just 90 day profit extraction or 90 second viral sounbiting be that by politicians or thise wjho societies celebraye - see www.economistsports.net foir current updates asw well as www.economistwomen.com

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Happy 2025- free offer first quarter of 2025 - ask us any positive question about von neumann's purpose of intelligence/brainworking - by April we hope there will be a smart agent of neumann! - chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk


Joun in perplexity chats 

Does AI have name for terrifying ignorance rsks eg Los Angeles failed insurance sharing

In these days of LLM modeling, is there one integral one for multilateral systems reponsibilities

Is Ethiopia's new secirity model an Africawide benchmark

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what can you tell us about ...

thanks to JvN

2025report.com aims to celebrate first 75 years that followers of Adam Smith , Commonwealth begun by Queen Victoria, James Wilson and dozens of Royal Societies, Keynes saw from being briefed 1951 by NET (Neumann Einstein Turing). Please contacts us if you have a positive contribution - we will log these at www.economistdiary.com/1976 www.economistdiary.com/2001 and www.economistdiary.com/2023 (admittedly a preview!!)

First a summary of what the NET asked to be meidiated to integrate trust during what they foresaw as a chaotic period.

Roughly they foresaw population growth quadrupling from 2 billion to 8 billion

They were most concerned that some people would access million times moore tech by 1995 another million times moore by 2015 another million times moore by 2025. Would those with such access unite good for all. If we go back to 1760s first decade that scots invented engines around Glash=gow University James Wat and diarist Adam Smith we can note this happened just over a quarter of millennium into age of empire. WE welcome corrections be this age appears to have been a hectic race between Portugal, Spain, France Britain Netherlands as probbly the first 5 to set the system pattern. I still dont understand was it ineviatble when say the Porttuguese king bet his nations shirt on navigation that this would involve agressive trades with guns forcing the terms of trade and colonisation often being a 2nd step and then a 3rd steb being taking slaves to do the work of building on a newly conquered land. I put this way because the NET were clear almost every place in 1951 needed to complete both independence and then interdependence of above zero sum trading games. Whils traidning things runs into zero sums (eg when there is overall scarcity) life critical knowhow or apps can multiplu=y value in use. Thats was a defining value in meidting how the neyt's new engineering was mapped. Of course this problem was from 1945 occuring in a world where war had typiclly done of the following to your place:

your capital cities had been flattened by bombing - necessitating architecture rebuild as well as perhaps an all chnage in land ownership

your peoples had gone through up to 6 years of barbaric occupation -how would this be mediated (public served) particularly if you were a nation moving from radio to television

yiu mifgt eb britain have been on winning side but if huge debt to arms you had bought

primarily you might be usa now expected by most outside USSR to lead every advance'

in population terms you might be inland rural (more than half of humans) where you had much the least knowledge on what had hapened because you had been left out of the era of connecting electricity and communications grids

The NETts overall summary : beware experts in energy will be the most hated but wanted by national leaders; and then far greater will be exponential risk is the most brilliant of connectors of our new engines will become even more hated and wanted. We should remember that the NET did not begin with lets design computers. They began with Einstein's 1905 publications; newtonian science is at the deepest limits systemically wrong for living with nature's rules.

WE can thrash through more understanding of how the NET mapped the challenges from 1951 at https://neumann.ning.com/ Unfortunatnely nobody knew that within 6 years of going massively public in 1951 with their new engineering visions, all of the net would be dead. One of the most amzaing documents I have ever seen is the last month's diary of von neumann roughly October 1955 before he became bedridden with cancer. All over usa engineering projects were receiving his last genius inputs. And yet more amazing for those interested in intelligence machines is his last curriculum the computer and the brain scribbled from his bedroom in bethesda and presented posthumously by his 2nd wife Klara at Yale 1957 before she took her own life about a year later. A great loss because while neumann had architected computers she had arguably been the chief coder. Just to be clear Turing also left behind a chief coder Jane who continued to work for Britain's defence planning at cheltenham for a couple of decades. Economistwomen.com  I like to believe that the founders of brainworking machines foresaw not only that women coders would be as produytive as men but that they would linking sustainability from bottom up of every community. At least that is a valid way of looking at how primarily 1billion asian women batted the systemic poverty of being disconnected from the outside world even as coastal places leapt ahead with in some cases (G Silicon Valley, whatever you call Japan-Korea south-Taiwan-HK-Singapore access to all of 10**18 times moore

Epoch changing Guides

1 AI Training AI Training.docx

 2 Exploring cultural weaknesss of encounters with greatest brain tool.docx


help assemble 100000 millennials summitfuture.com and GAMES of  worldrecordjobs.com card pack 1 i lets leap froward from cop26 glasgow nov 2021 - 260th year of machines and humans started up by smith and watt- chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk-

WE APPROACH 65th year of  Neumann's tech legacy - 100 times more tech decade - which some people call Industrial Rev 4 or Arttificial Intel blending with humans; co-author 2025report.com, networker foundation of The Economist's Norman Macrae -

my father The Economist's norman macrae was privileged to meet von neumann- his legacy of 100 times more tech per decade informed much of dad's dialogues with world leaders at The Economist - in active retirement dad's first project to be von neumanns official biographer - english edition ; recently published japanese edition - queries welcomed; in 1984 i co-authored 2025report.com - this was celebrating 12 th year that dad( from 1972, also year silicon valley was born) argued for entrepreneurial revolution (ie humanity to be sustainable would need to value on sme networks not big corporate nor big gov); final edition of 2025report is being updated - 1984's timelines foresaw need to prep for fall of brlin wall within a few months; purspoes of the 5 primary sdg markets were seen to be pivotal as they blended real and digital - ie efinance e-agri e-health e-learning and 100%lives matter community; the report charged public broadcasters starting with BBC with most vital challenge- by year 2000 ensure billions of people were debating man's biggest risk as discrepancy in incomes and expectations of rich & poor nations; mediated at the right time everyone could linkin ideas as first main use of digital webs--- the failure to do this has led to fake media, failures to encourage younger half of the world to maxinise borderless friendships and sdg collabs - see eg economistwomen.com abedmooc.com teachforsdgs.com ecop26.com as 2020s becomes last chance for youth to be teh sustainability generation


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