

Started by chris macrae. Last reply by chris macrae Mar 25. 2 Replies 73 year on earth ( quarter a…Continue

Soon Intel= What's computed *Communicated*Whether Nature Cancels Our Species

Started by chris macrae Mar 24. 0 Replies

This is quite a scary viewpoint of our world - particularly if you know its source in 1951 : Neumann-Einstein-Turing. The excitement about AI means soon is now. Don't lets waste a second fixing this…Continue

HOW NET (Neumann-Einstein-Turing) SAVED THE WORLD

Started by chris macrae Mar 17. 0 Replies

Without Neumann-Einstein-Turing:Hitler or Stalin would have won the race to atom bombAs Continental West Europe fell, Island of Britain wouldn't have outlasted Htiter by decoding his secret messages…Continue

2012 sees transformation of societal AIVeryGood around womens maths goat & Asst Stanford Prof Fei-Fe Li

Started by chris macrae. Last reply by chris macrae Jan 29. 2 Replies

2012 Breakthrough in Fei-Fei Li's Imagenet big databank- computers can be pretrained to vision 20000 entities humans most co-create with. Stanford's investment in her third 15 years of life validated…Continue

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chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion jensenhuang
"Biotech AI cases   NVIDIA Healthcare Launches Generative AI Microservices ... NVIDIA Newsroom › news › healthcare-gener... 7 days ago — Watch NVIDIA CEO Jensen…"
Mar 25
chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion jensenhuang
"Team Jensen have co-created partnership innovation processes of accelerated computing -check them out  eg digital twins NVIDIA Announces Earth Climate Digital Twin By  News Desk  -  03/22/2024 3 Minutes Read To…"
Mar 24
chris macrae's 2 discussions were featured
Mar 24
chris macrae posted a discussion

Soon Intel= What's computed *Communicated*Whether Nature Cancels Our Species

This is quite a scary viewpoint of our world - particularly if you know its source in 1951 : Neumann-Einstein-Turing. The excitement about AI means soon is now. Don't lets waste a second fixing this for millennials and their kidsHere is part of whats been changingComputing Architecture - Gamers Gpu's have replaced 60 year old cpu of the old ibm 360- thank you Jensen Chang, Lisa Wu and every gamerPsychologists theory of mindsets got 60+ years out of date- Because the Net died suddenly the Neural…See More
Mar 24
chris macrae posted a discussion

jensenhuang 73 year on earth ( quarter a million two-hour learning ops)  nothing remotely emulates  jensen huang innovations updates yesterday- how do we do justice to exploring humanity and jh worlds - eg first chat with gemini …See More
Mar 19
chris macrae posted a discussion

HOW NET (Neumann-Einstein-Turing) SAVED THE WORLD

Without Neumann-Einstein-Turing:Hitler or Stalin would have won the race to atom bombAs Continental West Europe fell, Island of Britain wouldn't have outlasted Htiter by decoding his secret messages - Turing (with extraordinary female coders) cracked the Enigma code and in the process he and V Neumann birthed engines type 6.7 -6) computers for brainworking7) millennials systems for autonomous governance when so much data is streaming from every gps that only machines can real-rime mediate…See More
Mar 17
chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion 2012 sees transformation of societal AIVeryGood around womens maths goat & Asst Stanford Prof Fei-Fe Li
"Do you have any view on how to embolden teaching profession to want to lead change of multiplying intelligences as opposed to being caught up in bureucratics or fearing that in some way there will be less for educators to0 do; surely idf we are all…"
Jan 29
chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion 2012 sees transformation of societal AIVeryGood around womens maths goat & Asst Stanford Prof Fei-Fe Li
"Luba Dziojeva 07:32 AM Thank you for organising this opportunity! How can I access the recording following the event?Leonardo Castro 08:29 AM Q to Lorena and taking what Louisa mentioned: in your experience, until what extent the lack of good and…"
Jan 29
chris macrae posted a discussion

2012 sees transformation of societal AIVeryGood around womens maths goat & Asst Stanfor Prof Fei-Fe Li

2012 Breakthrough in Fei-Fei Li's Imagenet big databank- computers can be pretrained to vision 20000 entities humans most co-create with. Stanford's investment in her third 15 years of life validated by alumni of 3 Franglais Professors whose alumni had kept alive Neural Network knowhow of NET : Neumann-Einstein-Turing and exponentially most valuable story covered in The Economist's 3rd half century first seconded by American President Kennedy and teenage Prince Charles as UK envoy to Tokyo…See More
Jan 29
chris macrae posted a discussion

8 decades of brainworkers ops ; 18 decades of Herstory Royal Ecosoc's Language Models

In 1843 The economist was founded by Londoin Scot James wilso to hekp queen voictoria mediate chnage from ruling waves of Britannia's slavemaking empire (eg east indies corpd) to commonwealthThe first 10 decades of mediating valuetrue mapping of expoential oportunity/threat can be seen in The Economist itself; in worlds on English consritution by seconen editoir walter bagehot; in idesoloigies of adam smith, (including 7 types kofg engineering), jbs say or marx, keybnes,. Also geoffrey Crowther…See More
Jan 9
chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion why 21st c intelligence isnt likely to be humanly good enough unless you can see enough foundations of neumann's net
"Decolonial Intelligence Most nations have needed to decolonise from the era of empires. Vet few have successfully shared their wealth and natural resouyrces with most of the peoples. Which are trhe few that have? If a nation's people you love…"
Jan 3
chris macrae posted a discussion

why 21st c intelugence isnt likely to be human unless you can see enough foundations of neumann's net

amazing video /transcript on how neumann connected every half of  20th c maths leap and propelled this towards todays brain\workers  ai  mathsgoodwomeneverywhere.docxplease see also this linkedin…See More
Nov 9, 2023
chris macrae posted a discussion

2023 upd blockchain

A message from Bitget…See More
Sep 22, 2023
chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion quantum computing
"from Part of theSTIP & AI: PAST WORKBLOG POST Games Round Up: Quantum Computing By Morgan Livingston & Richard Liu on August 17, 2020 SERIOUS…"
Aug 9, 2023
chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion quantum computing
"however this conversation with bard clarifies that quantums prefer databases that are static not networking in updating data   thus llms not imminently lilkely to use quantum   Are you bard and other web3 gateway LLMs mainly…"
Jul 19, 2023
chris macrae posted a discussion

quantum computing

amazibg Consider this: back in 2019, it took Google’s Sycamore quantum computer 200 seconds to complete a task that, according to Google estimations, would take today’s fastest classical supercomputer 10,000 years to complete.See More
Jul 18, 2023


7 most urgent above zero-sum games

help youth map worldsocialtrade. in an open learning economy

government - constitutions of public service


media old and new





-help top 12 supercitieswith over 20 million people to sustain above

Presents the biography of John von Neumann, one of the greatest scientist of the century after Einstein. This book discusses Von Neumann's work in areas such as game theory, mathematics, physics, and meteorology which formed the building blocks for the most important discoveries of the century: the modern computer, game theory, and the atom bomb....

Title : John Von Neumann
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 082182676X
Edition Language : English


Thos is my family's 74th year of being privileged to mediate ideas as we understood Von Neumann to open the futures playbook (my own bais is towards above zerro sum games such as sharimng life critcal knowhow which multiplies value in use)

It seems tp me that those piloting Nvidia's platforms are upp to a million times ahead in terms of depth of data they may found intelligence states around but to me whjat apps our shared with us is what we as communities need to evaluate

Here we relay pdfs that have been shared by nvidia partners during gtu summit celebrations.

Defence AI introduces partiocular issues of mopst open data colection and of course some of the most confirential intel for action- spring 2024


=================================some personal Q&A with Gemini



NET's Core  "Intelligence" Question - would quintillion times more computational connectivity save or end the human species? Likely deadline discussed thedse last 40 years at media club or 75 years by biographers of Von Neumann's impact on economists and societies and mother earth! ( )

Legend NET=Neumann Einstein Turing. They were only together at Princeton for 18 months just before statr of world war 2. By 1938 Einstein & Neumann were central European Jews who had emugrated to USA  to prevent hiter from winning tech races. They were about 20 years apart with Einstein the oldest, It wasnt visioned by any of them that they would all die within 4 yarsrs of each other eaving a lot of intelligence to get fractured with no collective alumni. Turing the youngest. He wasn't able to get a visa so returned to London.Einstein's great maths on nature's deep data systems had been published in 1905- he wasnt doing much new maths by 1940 but was by now a great philosopher and passionate about futire of education. Ultimately von neumann had to connect maths everywhere from the us projet race to produce the atom bomb to seeing with Turing that the net's legacy of quintillion "moore" would compound even more species defining opportunities and threats than nuclear energy (which also had to be fixed as man's first system comoeting on nature's scale and so capable of ending our species. Primarily neumann spent his last few years asking if languages/codes our brains apply (final lecture computer and the brain)  coan converege on nature's systainable maths. Turing was more concerned with would humans do deep enough analysis not chase single numbers. Although these core concerns are quite simple in summary- their contexuaul challenges (most of the world 0f 1940 still hadnt used an engine) are almost infinite combinatirially such as interacting every GPS whch humans linkin. Always happy to debate<b

1964, At high school the most effective tool to do maths and map new worlds with was the slide ruler. On behalf of maths brains far  more prodigious than mine, may i register deep discomfort with anyone claiming maths folk are not ethical enough to app billion times better maths tools. Yes, like any skills group, we have some bad actors but if  2020s human race fails to value those of its very best maths wizards tuned to nature's system rules, our species will go the way of the dodo within a gen or two Anyhow here come 101 open tests of faith in maths

ED: WHAT IS FREEDOM OF SPEECH? Do University professors (or 5th grade teachers) know where, when, how does FOS accelerate ignorance or intelligence? Right now AI isn't the biggest risk, bad & sad media is.

75 years ago the NET (Neumann Einstein Turing) asked my family to keeps diaries on risks media spins. Dad, Norman, dis this for 40 years at The Economist and with support from Kennedy, Prince Charles and Japan Emperors family. Two of the NET's lives had first been upended when Hitler got seemingly small advantage of audio tape: his Fascist propaganda drowned airwaves 24/7 whereas other leaders had to make each radio speech live.

Lets sceneset with a tour of 20th C maths Goats Neumann-Einstein-Turing? 


. .
E . .
T    1 .

1951, The Economist sent dad Norman Macrae, who had survived being teenage navigator allied bomber command (Burma Campaign), to Princeton to ask how Economists & media folk could most humanly survey the coming Entrepreneurial Revolution of machines for brainworking and autonomous governance.

Diaspora Scots sub-editors of The Economist had surveyed what peoples had produced with machines that emerged from Adam Smith and James Watt 1760s but machines linking in life-critical apps to every coordinate of mother earth sounded like a new ballgame.


Wherever peoples are experimenting with 100 to million times more tech over next decade, ask what good they intend to unite?

AI20s last edition of 2025 Report co-edited with - selects 101 humanly intelligent moments scaling exponentially good nets (we welcome seeing even moore exceptional aha's rsvp This is how Economist's chief science editor Viscount Ridley reviewed our first 2025Report written 1983.


today C1H what will those who hub round Saint Clare Co-pilot with million times more big data compute power 2025-2015. Quizmaster Huang

1964 A2M what will people do now that Japan calculating company has asked Intel fr such a large order of silicon Chips that Moore has committed to 100 times more chip power every decade Quizmaster Moore & Asia Rising 1965

1969 E3K what will Earthlings do now that successful Kennedy moonshot has shown that 100 times more satellite tech may multiply 100 times more chip power tech 1989

2023 -1964 E4K2 Which peoples will join in King Charles AI Comonwealth AI Very Good World Series annunced 2023. Back in 1964 as UK delegate to Tokyo Olympics, Charles had friend Japan Empire family and Sony's CEO at same time as withnessing first Satellite boasdcast (global tv of Tokyo Olympics) and marveling at how Japan engineers had bounced back architecting Asia's first supercity not just with the most exciting uses of chips but with bullet trains, brilliant subways, and world trade shipping containerisation. More at

2001 W5J what will valley change now that  Mr & Mrs Jobs who invented PC to end big brother haf hosted briefing (also 65th birthday wish party of Engineer Fazle Abed) on what billion rural village women networked 2001-1972 through love but next to no tech

1972 C6W Abed had escaped assasination by his domer employer Royal Dutch Shell in 1972. Having spnent his life saving rebuildung 15000 vilage homes he needed to become a human enrgy engineer- from Taiwan or Jpan he discovered a 10 times more locally productive rice seed which he designed as the first of 50 microfranchise buisnesses for vilage mothers to operate. Post-war fod inteligence netwirks around Borlaug saved at least  a billion humans from starvation But rice sceince had invokved extra local dptattion by Japan Korea and taiwan (and it was Taiwan that frneds of Brolaug had set up  Co-pilot hub with large language translarion intelligence goal of ending at leat 1% of Asia's largestv populations starving every year)

2009 G7V What games will two pesky 20 something cyber-neuro doctorates vision now that they find in 2009 that Stanford will empower Li to host annual world championships of biggest databank computer training

2014 G8H Having been early witnesses of Li's imagenet breakthrough what Very Good games will AI4All Free with its thre human visionaries Melinda Gates Jensen Huang and Fe--Li with a little help from their AI friends

2023-1982-1965 C9W Remarkably the Valley has relentlessly supported humans exponential tech. After celebrating first 17 years of engineerings scaling moores law, my dad's 1982 survey in The Economist :"why not Silicon Valley Everwhere?. At that time 2 emerging female energisers : Ann Dooerr of Intle and Kleiner Perknnsd, Gondy Rice starting up as dean responsbile for contet studied by 14000 stnafir f srudents. Around 20022, they celebrated 40th year of empowering valley youth with Doerrs opening Stanford first new school in 70 years- to study climare science bteakthroughs

2023 C10E As VC Andreesen testifies in 2023 Condy Rice launch of emerging tech expert policy briefing networks, washington of 1970s must of known about carbon's projected disastrous consequences for millennials. Why else would someone like Nixon have attempted to transfirm usa to carbon zero in 1970s via nuclear and solar?

2019 C11W I live in Behesda neighborhood of National Institutes of Health. And was syrprised positively when I searched Starcraft Huang & Hassabis knowing how much both have celegarated this games intel network to fing this publication  

Grandmaster level in StarCraft II using multi-agent reinforcement learning



  • 1DeepMind, London, UK.
  • 2DeepMind, London, UK.
  • 3Team Liquid, Utrecht, Netherlands.
  • 4DeepMind, London, UK.
#Contributed equally.
    • PMID: 31666705


Many real-world applications require artificial agents to compete and coordinate with other agents in complex environments. As a stepping stone to this goal, the domain of StarCraft has emerged as an important challenge for artificial intelligence research, owing to its iconic and enduring status among the most difficult professional esports and its relevance to the real world in terms of its raw complexity and multi-agent challenges. Over the course of a decade and numerous competitions1-3, the strongest agents have simplified important aspects of the game, utilized superhuman capabilities, or employed hand-crafted sub-systems4. Despite these advantages, no previous agent has come close to matching the overall skill of top StarCraft players. 

COMETH THE HOUR; can anyonehelp millennials be the first renewable gen?

In Maths Hall of Fame, we'd never expected to see a contender to Neumann's crown but now its time to consider Hassabis just may be

For 55 years after sudden deaths of v Neumann and Turing (over 25 years before normal) the world of digital and globalisation orbited further and further away from their shared vision of co-creating engines for brainworkers with Einstein- havs begun some chats with bard to deep relearn where humans overshot multiplying kindness, goodwiil all the positive energisers of intelliugence for good;intel_einstein1.docx

and AIGames invite you to see how 2012 became a turning point which recemntly king charles world series ai summit can help us all unite

When Neumann-Einstein-Turing first met in 1936 it was obvious to them that one of Europe's deepest problems was that any nation that leapt ahead in engineering usually didnt have enough coal and iron -and was thusprone to take it from neighbors even if this started war or in some lanlocked nations cases neighbors were annexed so to ship resources needed. Both Einstein & Neumann had grown up and needed tp emigrate out of central europe's worst cases of belicose leadership hitler and stalin. So it shpouldnt surprise that The Net's list of crises new engineering would need to resolve included

  • energy
  • peaceful & transparent reconciliation of nations including forward looking win-win trade models
  • surveying what good people united where privileged to be first to apply 100 times more tech per decade, an exponential opportunity/threat foresaw as designed into their legacy of brainworkers tools including computing hardware, programing code and by 21st c consequences of machine brains having theoretically as much calculation power as humans and unlike humans replicability/connectivity of a sort that would exponentially improve or worsen the 21st C 's future of life 

Unoirtunately 2 of the newt died suddenly way before their time; we can make a checklist of a lot of ways in which the NET may approve of intelligence leaps since 2012 but would probably be shocked vis a vis their intent for human development 1957-2012

2012 was the first time that neural networking (neuroscience) broke through in as deep a mathematical way as the net probably expected. 

- we suggest the handouts on the NET and on Hei-Fei Li Demis Hassabis and 3 neuro science professors Hinton, Lecun Bengio are downloaded together

-coming soon

  • writes: 21 years after dad Norman published v neumann bio, i'd recommend this as best intro tov neumann's mathematical wizardry- there are at least 20 great mathematicians who neumann added practical actions to as well as making sure computers were for everyone

nov 2023 huge leaps for ai -please see events  diary including worlfds i see everywhere and why you may also need neumann

3/3/23 73td year of family & friends survey with von neumann--

Giant leap on earth? Goodness this is most extraordinary stuff

AI’s Great Inflection Point Many different interdisciplinary perspectives from

@StanfordHAI  on generative AI and its potential impacts on health care, scientific discovery, law, creativity and art, future of work, education, and many other facets of science/tech/society

8 billion thanks to


and will past scribbes ever read the same agan;

HumansAi greatest leaps - 1998 Taiwan Chang-Yang 

march 2023 welcome to my family's 73rd year association with von neumann cooperation survey kka NET's intellihence survey at The Economist - what good can humans unite with first access to 100 times more tech per decade?  This was started with the Economist when my father Norman was seconded to New York/Princeton for a year in 1951.

Q&A welcome on 8 billion humans next 7 years generation of intel for millennials to celebrate human and webs of mother nature everywhere- norman macrae associates DC NY Glasgow HK linkedin UNwomens


I can't imagine a better start to 73 than Fei-Fei's Li video - bon courage at today's washington FC briefing 1  2

Dad & John knew a bit about when places lose their freedom to fascism - the gats had emigrated to princeton to escape Hitler & Stalin; my grandad had been the UK's main diplomat collecting intel on the evils of stalin and hitler.

After decade 1 with a nod from JFK we focused 2nd decade ai research on 5 corridors:

  • NY south through DC/texas (to Taiwan decade4 - Chang's web )-space & energy corridor;
  • new york to boston mit eg via ibm and yale - how brains linkedin to both software (coding moon landing) and hardware;
  • the original swiss corridor ITU since 1865 and where central euro Goats of maths were schooled;
  • stanford junior ai valley; first digital twin of mit's ai lab -rebranded for 3rd decade as silicon valley of saints from clara to francis(co)
  • japan coastal belt south corridor - it was a japanese calculator order to intel 1964/5 (same year that satellite communications launched as global out of Tokyo Olympics) that was so large that intel invented programmable chip and electronic engineers committed to moore's law acceleration..

Dad's college days at Cambridge with Keynes were interrupted by world war 2. He spent his last days as a teenage navigator allied bomber command Burma- so he had google maps of coastlines complex world trade consequences in his head half a century before digital maps were webbed-and 80 years after economist founder james wilson died of diarhhea calcutta (asia's 19t C superport) one year into launching queen victoria's charter bank of fin services by and for the quarter of beings on subcontinent of india.

. back from future reporting 2025report; womensAI project with japan 2012 on and un tech envoy office

.Von Neumann 1945 Los

Download last 8 pages of Von Neumann's curriculum for artificial and human intellects questioningextinction1957.pptx
Q&A welcome -co-author 1984 future of generations genre2025report- help welcomed by co-workers of ; 2023 COOP ACTS include include 16th annual game of and prep for Adam Smiths 265th celebration of moral sentiments Glasgow UU June 2023

Refugee Diaries: Princeton 1951:Dad Norman met von neumann and was asked: would Economist journalists be interested in most valuable scoop of all time - what goods can peoples unite with 100 times more tech per decade This sounded like a joyful project compared with 7 years past that had included spending last days as teen navigator allied bomber command Burma... . 

can you help von neumann family with AI Hall of Fame?- who would John hope students and teachers likedin first now? Do you feel he would applaud the new Un2 framework for any sustainability generating gov?- see games we play start of 2023 with UN2 framework at linkedin newsletter - if you are happy to discuss younger half of world's most urgent needs at every GPS of mother earth. please look also at or join in year round youth-orientating competition

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WHAT GOODS CAN HUMANS UNITE with 100* Mo(o)re Tech/decade ?? ..

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,, conducting Humans & Artificial Intel survey with von Neumann published in The Economist for 40 years (dad had been seconded to NY&Princeton from London St James for year of 1951, ED )

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What would be generational/exponential

At start of 2022 I was chatting with Ms Marina Von Neumann (daughter of John)- we need an AI Hall of Fame- we didnt know how to start&scale that but we wished to curate cooperation projects John would have loved/celebrated.. as we enter humansAI state of 2023 we are still working on Fame's challenge- ideas welcome student of Neumann' 1951 on search - what goods can people unite with 100 times more tech every decade?


we believe that team Guterres is on to something when digital roadmapping UN2 offer benchmarks for egov or gov2.0 everywhere -why shouldnt gov services be those that delight digital cooperation citizens of all ages of all places?  - 7 years of work that followed all natiosn declaring 2015's 17 dreams called Sustainability Development Goals  have refined 9 piece transformation jigsaw - you can put any of the components in the centre but AIforGood matches what next von neumann mathematicians might be prepping for 

CODES.. .Digital Capacity Building - revolution in education for over 30s as lifelong learners and servant leaders.. .Digital Cooperation - revolution for under 30s as learners and teachers
..PUBLIC GOODS (incl deep data) .AIforGOOD.. Global Connectivity.
..Trustflow/Safety .Inclusion no underclass -how can place or nation work if some demographics excluded from entrepreneueship

Rights beyond borders.

Do we as 8 billion intellects have any common reasons for being

====more context

- this quote explains what drives me and dad since 1951 Princeton interview. Neumann quote- " In 1945, while in a state of exhaustion, the mathematician John von Neumann had a kind of stammering premonition. He was in Los Alamos, working on the atom bomb, and he told his wife Klari that the “energy source” he was helping to develop would make scientists “the most hated and also the most wanted citizens of any country”. Then he informed her that his other ongoing project, the computer, would one day be even more important—and potentially even more dangerous. ......regarding today's chaos, at its simplest freinds & I are trying to map hundreds of small "cooperation" clusters of youth-froendly people united by a 100 times more tech crafis/curiosity- i also wish thats what new universities helped students do from day of matriculation -see steve jobs speech at – join alumni of what goods can peoples unite with 100 times more tech per decade

???/ more questions than answers surround us at height of covid waves 2020- stay safe everyone

Help sought from conscious matheticians: update 2020s tech ABC for good- AI, Avatar,  Blockchain, Crypto, Defi, Dao, Drone, ESG, Govtech, Hackers, IOThings…..Life (Biotech), Metaverse, Mobile Dev,  Nature(Climate tech), NFT  PovertyMuseum, QuantumComp, Right to safety without borders, Robotics… SDGs, Transparency-gps360, UN2.0, Virtual Reality, Web3-2-1, XponentialPrizes, Youth21 ZbeeKindness 1-6G 3d-Print 5 human sense mimic by Arts what's missed rsvp (exponentially accelerating digital: its common to append tech to almost any field of study/trade eg fintech/govtech or to preface it with e- eg ecommerce or append it with 3 eg ed3; world economic forum talks of 4 industrial revolutions & Japan Society 5.0 ) make 22-23 students and teachers most emotionally rewarding year - enter team of 2-6 to advance chosen SDG- go to - map how this celebrates 10 year transformation to digital UN2.0 and benchmark for place gov of every kind

if you enter a team and want to share with our members please do or mail me - my family has been celebrating v neumanns quiz - what to do with 100 times more tech per decade since dad Economist's Norman macrae met John in 1951 Princeton

co-launch with von neumann's family AI Hall of Fame- if John was alive today who would he celebrate as Goats- tech for humanity's Greatest of All Time?


BREAKING NEWS FEB 2022 - join pilots of AI Hall of fame ; help design maps -eg can Asian Olympic superstars sdg action-visions become sports first multi billion dollar millennials-sdg coin? ....13feb.docx  ESG  world tour download & send improvements to, womensverse

also, welcome to and other maps of what asia is doing with the 60th year of neumann ai labs form coast (pacific) to coast(atlantic) Join the Games at - what pack of sustainability players card does every teacher and graduate of 2020s need to celebrate future of life?

Back from the precipice who can save us now? 

what if 10 worst sustainability decisions made by 7 biggest white empires?

Publish date September 25, 2021September 25, 2021

sytsems people fei-fei li , jin keyu

connectors Jerry Yang, Charels Yidan

Global Scottish public servants - Gordon Brown, David Alexander

TV truthtellers David Attenborough, Rick Steves, Robert Kuhn; superstars Naomi Osaka and her pick of 30 olympics all stars who have generation purposes beyonD their sports - 21-2 is 8th last year to teachets and students learning what onlt youth as susatainability generation can do

our diary reports one main hopeful event most months before, during and after

seot UNGA 76

October AIIB in Dubai

November Cop26

December double up Yidan Hong Kong and Rewired2021 at UAE Expo Dubai

January Davos Agenda

where else should we cover?

JOIN THE GAMES at each year we update a top 52 pack full of purposeful lives ; those we believe every teacher/parent let alone every student of the first sustainability generation needs to have just enough knowledge of to spread love happiness entrepreneurial courage not hate, breakdown, bureaucratic humbug let alone fake media...

for 21-22 does everyone you network with know enough about von neumann and fazle abed, einstein and fei-fei li, simone biles and naomi osaka, reeta roy and charles yidan, jerry yang and Masa Son, Lee Kuan Yew and LI Ka-Shing,  Mayor Yuriko Koike & Chen Jining,  & Schwarzman, J Ma (yes papa jack) and Elon Musk, Adam Smith, James Watt, JFKennedy, Larry Brilliant, James Grant, Klaus Schwab, David Attenborough, Antonio Guterres, Stanford Junior, Will Shakespeare, St Francis, Marco Polo ... of course you can choose your own fantasy team for uniting 7.5 billion peoples Sustainability Games but ask you friends to help you make sure every player brings a purpose that's collaboratively differentfrom your other favs and timely if we are to leap forward from covid, climate , refugees fleeing broken homelands...

UPD aug 2021 on sustainability as fear of taliban rises again

ARE WE ASKING THE QUESTIONS NEUMANN OR EINSTEIN WOULD IF 2020S IS YOUTHS LAST CHANCE DECADE.? Einstein's concerns for whether tech would globalise sustainability range from correspondence with his truth-systems hero gandhi to a stirring speech on black lives matter lincoln college 1946to desperately wishing he hadnt published e=mcsquared in time for nuclear world wars - but it was his princeton junior von neumann who set hi-techs machine intel clock ticking - stanford and mit ai labs now have 60 years exploring exponential impacts of 100 times more computational tech than slide ruler and paper planning every decade 60s to 20s until industrial rev 4 which now approaches as only machines connect enough analytic power to govern real time operating platforms --- to be or not to be- the only thing wrong with orwell's big brother scenario planning was 1984 was a billion times too little tech to make mans interruption of nature spin today every estimate of climate destruction is understated as not one professional monopoly nor western academic thinktank uses exponential multiplier auditing instead of linear -it would be a shame if humans are extinguished by the world's greatest maths error but since schools have stopped training neumanns the west has no worldwide maths authority to support our 7.5 billion brains- - if you want to explore how 7.5 billion human brains can find ways out of hurtling to extinction please join us at or where the 65% of humans who are asian incluinding the hapanese only victims of nuclear attack so far have been mapping some women empowered solutions to saving our sould for 50 years now I saw many asian and some young us superstars at tokyo doing so but sadly us ambassador to un needed a yellow card for her dismal tv performance ON ROAD TO GLASGOW COP26 & COVID DECADE 2020s

we have come close to nature's last breadth for humanity becaue our biggest organisations or most viral networks are not aligned with her globe's evolutionary laws- each of these 1000 least sustainable systems either needs ai to humanise it or must be denied access by the way we 7.5 billion beings choose to dislike as well as like

von neumann knew this well see my fathers boio in japanese or english

einstein knew this well start with his lives matter 1950s speech at lincoln college


special thanks to UNwomens linkedin and alumni of world record jobs creation for support in sharing views of

Trusted Human Relationship Networking and Intergenenerational Exponential Impacts

online library of norman macrae-

  • any child can be a wonderful maths explorer if teaching uses empowerment rather than you are wrong standard testing

healthy (family-loving societies) exponentially generate strong economies not vice versa- would the 2 generations (of old and new millennium )  responsible for human sustainability understand that just in time?

2025 Report: by 1975 it was known that versus 1946, 4000 times more investment on worldwide learning tech would exponentially determine human sustainability by 2025- americas 3rd century to spin neurosis by tv ads and disgraceful political chicanery of macroeconomics trapped international reserve currency zero-sum games

2016Q! update MITKIEHL blog with Beck (Israel and meme economics -hubbed out of san diego;sports and mackey conscious business hubbed out of texas and baltimore -see also wolfram ; and ...

- Sustaining human livelihoods would depend on:

poorest female chinese youth uniting all millennials in sustainability goals action networks; whether elders invested in changing professions and public servants to 10 times bigger economy of open learning instead of nonrenewable consumption of things

2026Q1 update on Families as Main Agency of Development - harrison owen asks chinese under30s to redefine sustainability as youth's most productive decade' vatican and chinese worldwide community club -unite the "my family" has a dream heroes of every culture; hack the worlds' most purposeful bottom-up broadband and action nets

:why does america rely on one individual to open source every -12 curricula- compare china report from mit's future of learning- or missing curricula found on mandela extranet - literacies of empowerment coding finance and entrepreneurship - teachers of 7th grade -or nairobi where IHUB not homework is every teenagers preferred evening 

if you read the biography of von neumann you will be ready to brainstorm the reasons why americans, when isolated from worldwide cultures, became the late 20th century's worst teachers of exponential maths. Reasons such as

  • conscious empowerment and maths purpose is to design systems logical enough for next generation to innovate what past generations could not - eg see einstein's finding whenever male dominated scientists say they have discovered everything their science is capable of , next innovations will come from modelling that science at a more micro level oi system interactions (such as amma university partners on nanotechnolguies end to poverty)
  • governments are the worst employers of maths research becauee next generation isn't a voter of government
  • the greatest risk to the world's sustainability is the economists who does not understand transparency of maths exponentials - read all of keynes, neumann and einstein 
  • the idea that 2030 versus 1946 would spend 4000 times more on borderless communications technolgoies is very frightening to any mathematicians who analyses how all the biggest professions make the most money from externalsiation across borders and other ways of fooling themselves that the borders wont be where the biggest risks to suatainability are- understand the case of andersen if you want to explore this crisis whole truth

When Did Economics become the profession of destroying people's lifetimes? 20th C Q3 (more...)

How did the peoples recovery plan A fail? (huh ER ....)

Is there a recovery plan B? (Yes but ...)


I helped my dad -one of youth'sleading economists - research the biography of von neumann. Two things that fascinated me most are what von neumann called his obscene interests.

In the generation that lived thru ww2, obsecene interest becacme a catchphrase studying something that a young mind could value being most curious about, butwhich  official secrets of war time prevented public discussion of in case news leaked out to the enemy.

One immediate inference- if ever you are in an organisation and hear a subject is only shared on a need to know basis- think of exiting that organisation as fast as you can unless its acually at war. I have actually helped people save a lot of money from getting out of collapsing corporations simply by using the need to know warning signal. For us westerners who live in2010s'collapsing nation states, iIwish it were so easy. Look at how governments have actually celebrated those who are collapsing banks by multiplying badwill (ever greater loss of trust)

1 no punishment for shareholders even though a collapsing bank causes far more harm across society than these derelict owners are ever asked to own up to

2 actually rewarding management with bigger bonuses to continue the destruction of communities and peoples' lives

3 charging the bill to the next generation -as that is what every public bailout means; and yet an even more terrifying mistake is to put young people out of work too just in the one decade that innovation of economics could have led to using a million times more collaboration technology so that every human being could empower a 10 times more productive life

But that a whole generation of elders can behave so uneconomically is also why i believe we should make both an 11 plus and and 18 plus out of the 2 neumann's 2 obescenely interesting subjects:

1 compiuters - he as the father of open source computing knwoledge

2 above zero sum games

here is an example of 2- you want to live in a clean-green nation; you neighbour continues to short-trem profit by not joining you in investing in clean; eventually you nation loses jobs , sinks into debt is taken over by your dirty neighbour

among people who have debated 18 plus principles of neumann's above zero sum games - the most important one to the net generation is

  • when something that historically could only be a zero-sum game (like owning a physical property) becomes a smaller part of a world where more abundance is possible -one of two opposite things happen-if everyone at same time agrees to move over to above zero sum abundance thats what everyone enjoys- but if one biggest player says we are sticking to zero-sum, what everyone will get is less than zero-sum

at 11 plus, the most important thing is to value communal trust so transparently that a child entering adolescence has unlimited to opportunities to practice hi-trust activities

in various practical contexts (banking energy education health to name but 4, this challenge is with us everywehre as the first net generation is becoming more interdependent than independent- as the knowledge economny could be 10 times larger than the scarcity economy of owning things

john's obscene interests are now the ones we need all our children to know about if they are to be sustainable -otherwise george orwell's big brother endgame is what we will be trapping all future generations in


Blog Posts

Mapping Hi-Trust Human Networks

Posted by chris macrae on May 14, 2018 at 8:14am 0 Comments

For a few yeras after world war 2 , keynes students studiued systemn design gravitated around 2 sustainabilitty goals

end poverty

improve livelihoods of youth out of every community (eg chnage education faster than you spend more more on communications or technolgies)

examples stident norman had survived world war 2 spending his last days as teenager navigating airplanes over modernday myanmar and bangladesh- keynes arranged for him to marry the daughter of the bombay…




thanks to JvN aims to celebrate first 75 years that followers of Adam Smith , Commonwealth begun by Queen Victoria, James Wilson and dozens of Royal Societies, Keynes saw from being briefed 1951 by NET (Neumann Einstein Turing). Please contacts us if you have a positive contribution - we will log these at and (admittedly a preview!!)

First a summary of what the NET asked to be meidiated to integrate trust during what they foresaw as a chaotic period.

Roughly they foresaw population growth quadrupling from 2 billion to 8 billion

They were most concerned that some people would access million times moore tech by 1995 another million times moore by 2015 another million times moore by 2025. Would those with such access unite good for all. If we go back to 1760s first decade that scots invented engines around Glash=gow University James Wat and diarist Adam Smith we can note this happened just over a quarter of millennium into age of empire. WE welcome corrections be this age appears to have been a hectic race between Portugal, Spain, France Britain Netherlands as probbly the first 5 to set the system pattern. I still dont understand was it ineviatble when say the Porttuguese king bet his nations shirt on navigation that this would involve agressive trades with guns forcing the terms of trade and colonisation often being a 2nd step and then a 3rd steb being taking slaves to do the work of building on a newly conquered land. I put this way because the NET were clear almost every place in 1951 needed to complete both independence and then interdependence of above zero sum trading games. Whils traidning things runs into zero sums (eg when there is overall scarcity) life critical knowhow or apps can multiplu=y value in use. Thats was a defining value in meidting how the neyt's new engineering was mapped. Of course this problem was from 1945 occuring in a world where war had typiclly done of the following to your place:

your capital cities had been flattened by bombing - necessitating architecture rebuild as well as perhaps an all chnage in land ownership

your peoples had gone through up to 6 years of barbaric occupation -how would this be mediated (public served) particularly if you were a nation moving from radio to television

yiu mifgt eb britain have been on winning side but if huge debt to arms you had bought

primarily you might be usa now expected by most outside USSR to lead every advance'

in population terms you might be inland rural (more than half of humans) where you had much the least knowledge on what had hapened because you had been left out of the era of connecting electricity and communications grids

The NETts overall summary : beware experts in energy will be the most hated but wanted by national leaders; and then far greater will be exponential risk is the most brilliant of connectors of our new engines will become even more hated and wanted. We should remember that the NET did not begin with lets design computers. They began with Einstein's 1905 publications; newtonian science is at the deepest limits systemically wrong for living with nature's rules.

WE can thrash through more understanding of how the NET mapped the challenges from 1951 at Unfortunatnely nobody knew that within 6 years of going massively public in 1951 with their new engineering visions, all of the net would be dead. One of the most amzaing documents I have ever seen is the last month's diary of von neumann roughly October 1955 before he became bedridden with cancer. All over usa engineering projects were receiving his last genius inputs. And yet more amazing for those interested in intelligence machines is his last curriculum the computer and the brain scribbled from his bedroom in bethesda and presented posthumously by his 2nd wife Klara at Yale 1957 before she took her own life about a year later. A great loss because while neumann had architected computers she had arguably been the chief coder. Just to be clear Turing also left behind a chief coder Jane who continued to work for Britain's defence planning at cheltenham for a couple of decades.  I like to believe that the founders of brainworking machines foresaw not only that women coders would be as produytive as men but that they would linking sustainability from bottom up of every community. At least that is a valid way of looking at how primarily 1billion asian women batted the systemic poverty of being disconnected from the outside world even as coastal places leapt ahead with in some cases (G Silicon Valley, whatever you call Japan-Korea south-Taiwan-HK-Singapore access to all of 10**18 times moore

Epoch changing Guides

1 AI Training AI Training.docx

 2 Exploring cultural weaknesss of encounters with greatest brain tool.docx


help assemble 100000 millennials and GAMES of card pack 1 i lets leap froward from cop26 glasgow nov 2021 - 260th year of machines and humans started up by smith and watt-

WE APPROACH 65th year of  Neumann's tech legacy - 100 times more tech decade - which some people call Industrial Rev 4 or Arttificial Intel blending with humans; co-author, networker foundation of The Economist's Norman Macrae -

my father The Economist's norman macrae was privileged to meet von neumann- his legacy of 100 times more tech per decade informed much of dad's dialogues with world leaders at The Economist - in active retirement dad's first project to be von neumanns official biographer - english edition ; recently published japanese edition - queries welcomed; in 1984 i co-authored - this was celebrating 12 th year that dad( from 1972, also year silicon valley was born) argued for entrepreneurial revolution (ie humanity to be sustainable would need to value on sme networks not big corporate nor big gov); final edition of 2025report is being updated - 1984's timelines foresaw need to prep for fall of brlin wall within a few months; purspoes of the 5 primary sdg markets were seen to be pivotal as they blended real and digital - ie efinance e-agri e-health e-learning and 100%lives matter community; the report charged public broadcasters starting with BBC with most vital challenge- by year 2000 ensure billions of people were debating man's biggest risk as discrepancy in incomes and expectations of rich & poor nations; mediated at the right time everyone could linkin ideas as first main use of digital webs--- the failure to do this has led to fake media, failures to encourage younger half of the world to maxinise borderless friendships and sdg collabs - see eg as 2020s becomes last chance for youth to be teh sustainability generation


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